Repeat Prescriptions
This service requires you to register for it by completing our online registration form.
Patients on regular medication will require prescriptions and, for a safer and speedier service, these are computerised. Your doctor will have entered onto the computer details of what medication you are taking, and each time a new prescription is written by the computer a new request form is also generated for you to make your next request. Please ensure that you keep this slip.
Allow two working days for your prescription to be processed.
If you have more than one repeat prescription please try to order all your items together.
If necessary, indicate on the Repeat Prescription Request Form where you would like the prescription sent. Please send a stamped addressed envelope if appropriate.
Either deliver or post your Repeat Prescription Request Form to the surgery.
If you are receiving any medication which is not on your request form, please add this clearly on the request slip and it will be added after verification with the doctor.
All patients on repeat medication should see their doctor at least once a year for a medication review.